Educational planning
Responsibilities and working methods
Educational planning is a form of integrated and cooperative planning that interfaces with many other planning processes, such as social and youth welfare planning.
Integrated education planning works across departments and disciplines and develops specialist objectives and concepts for education policy topics and issues. The basis of educational planning is the systematic use of empirical data on Jena's educational landscape. It is also characterized by participation formats for the involvement of education participants and cooperation with education stakeholders. The main tasks of educational planning include preparing the basis for decision-making for the Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs and political committees as well as providing data-based information on Jena's educational landscape.
Further information can be found on the education portal of the city of Jena.
Structure and committees
Education steering group
The Education Steering Group is an internal interdepartmental committee chaired by the Head of Family, Education and Social Affairs. It serves to coordinate between the management levels of various departments on educational topics.
Jena Education Conference
The Jena Education Conference is held at intervals of one to two years on specific topics. It enables the broad participation of education stakeholders, representatives from politics and administration as well as political committees.
- Educational mission statement of the city of Jena 2017 (PDF)
- First education report of the city of Jena 2018 - General education schools and leisure learning of young people in Jena (PDF)
- Second education report of the city of Jena 2019 - Transitions at the interfaces of school, vocational training and studies (PDF)
- Recommendations on the transition at the interfaces of school, vocational training and studies (PDF)