Municipal kindergartens
As a local authority in Jena:
- we are committed to the rights of children,
- we promote equal opportunities, participation and inclusion,
- we are open, appreciative, professional and trusting,
- we live a variety of pedagogical concepts,
- we offer innovative training and further education concepts,
- we are part of the city administration of Jena,
- we are closely networked with each other and continue to develop together.
Our facilities
- Thuringian Parent-Child Center Anne Frank in the Lobeda East district
- Thüringer-Eltern-Kind-Zentrum Regenbogen in the Lobeda West district
- Bertolla kindergarten in the Winzerla district
- Lauensteinweg kindergarten in the Lichtenhain district
- Integrative kindergarten Kindervilla in the Jena-West district
- Janusz Korczak kindergarten in the city center
- Kindergarten Fröbelhaus in the Jena-East district
- Pinocchio Kindergarten in the Jena-East urban area
- Kindergarten Weltentdecker in the urban area of Jena-North
- Montessori Kindergarten Munketal in the urban area of Jena-North
- Kindergarten Kleine Forscher in the Himmelreich district