Social planning
Responsibilities and working methods
Social planning is the politically legitimized, targeted planning for influencing people's living conditions, improving their opportunities for participation and developing services, facilities and social benefits in defined geographicalareas (social area orientation).It goes beyond the services, measures and projects directly assigned to the social sector (Deutscher Verein für öffentliche und private Fürsorge e. V., Eckpunkte für eine integrierte Sozial- und Finanzplanung in Kommunen, 2011, p. 4).
Social planning has a cross-sectional character. It is based on social monitoring and the use of participatory instruments. Planning steps for the establishment and maintenance of a needs-based social infrastructure are stocktaking, needs analysis and action planning. It works together with the various specialist planning departments such as youth welfare, elderly care, education and urban planning, the Commissioner for People with Disabilities and the Office for Migration and Integration. It also cooperates thematically with network partners in all social areas.
Social planning coordinates various projects in the social field, such as the poverty prevention project (funded by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund) and the state program "Solidarity between the Generations - LSZ" (funded by the Free State of Thuringia).
Structure and committees
Program Advisory Board Poverty Prevention - Education Promotion - Integration
- The Program Advisory Board is the advisory body for the projects funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)
- "Poverty prevention"
- "Thuringian Initiative for Local Integration Management for Refugees in Municipalities" (ThiLik) and
- for the federal program "Bildung integriert".
Members of the advisory board are representatives from politics, social associations, science, business, administration and the Jobcenter of the city of Jena (jenarbeit). The advisory board supports the content of the projects and participates in setting the technical focus.
Advisory board for the "Education, Business, Work in the Neighborhood" (BIWAQ) project
The project advisory board, which is coordinated by the Department for Family, Education and Social Affairs , supports the content of the offers, promotes networking and reflects on the status of target achievement together with the project team. Based on the specific problem situations, representatives of the administration, such as the Commissioner for Migration and Integration, the Integration Manager, the Commissioner for People with Disabilities , the Equal Opportunities Officer, the Urban Redevelopment Team and jenarbeitsupport the two job stores in Lobeda and Winzerla on the project advisory board . JenaWirtschaft and the AWO regional association for Central-West Thuringia are represented as operational implementation partners.
Planning advisory board for the state program "Solidarity between the generations" (LSZ)
- Through the LSZ, the Thuringian state government promotes measures to support families that have been developed at a municipal level. The planning advisory board acts as an expert body and advises on projects, measures, facilities and services. The Social Committee of the Jena City Council decides on the implementation of projects, measures, facilities and services.
- It is made up ofrepresentatives of all political groups in the Jena City Council,arepresentative of the Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband, arepresentative of the Jenaer Bündnis für Familie as well as the heads of the specialist departments for social affairs, youth and education, health and youth welfare and the equal opportunities officer. The advisory board works under the direction of the head of the Department for Family, Education and Social Affairs.
- The social situation of Jena's population - Report on the living conditions of the city of Jena 2018
- Poverty prevention strategy of the city of Jena
- Newsletter ABI I 2017
- Newsletter ABI II 2017
- Newsletter ABI I 2018
- Newsletter ABI II 2018
- Newsletter ABI I 2019
- Newsletter ABI I 2020
- Newsletter ABI I 2021