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Project funding

The youth work/youth social work team supports and advises you on project funding in the following areas.

Project funding from the Partnership for Democracy

The local partnership for democracy in Jena aims to develop and implement action plans to promote democracy and diversity. It brings together those responsible from local politics and administration as well as active members of civil society - from clubs and associations to churches and civic activists.

As part of the federal program Demokratie leben! and the state program DenkBunt, the local partnership for democracy is provided with funding to finance projects. The Monitoring Committee of the Local Partnership for Democracy decides on the allocation of funds.

Anyone who is aligned with the goals of the local partnership of the city of Jena and does not contradict the Jena city program against xenophobia, right-wing extremism, anti-Semitism and intolerance can participate.

Advice and support in developing and applying for projects can be obtained from the coordination and specialist office of the local Jena Democracy Partnership.

Project funding in the area of youth work/youth social work

Thepurpose of the "Youth Work / Youth Social Work Fund" is to subsidizeindividual projects in Jena in the field of youth work, youth social work and youth association work as part of project funding. The funded projects and measures must be clearly differentiated from a regular offer in terms of both time and subject matter - institutional funding is excluded.

Applications are submitted via the City of Jena's funding portal. We provide advice and support with the application process.

Funding for micro-projects in the field of socioculture

The Socioculture Fund supports projects in the field of socioculture with funding of up to €1000. Socioculture is the combination of cultural, educational and social work. Socioculture is to be understood as outreach cultural work, especially in the context of youth work and youth welfare.

Promotion of micro-projects in the area of school support

The eco Schulstiftung promotes a culture of learning and teaching in and out of school that is characterized by tolerance, equal opportunities and mutual cooperation. In the school sector, it focuses on the co-responsibility of pupils and the quality development of schools, promotes their networking and strengthens the integration of schools into the life of the city of Jena and its surroundings.