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Poverty prevention

Supported by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund Plus.

Es ist die blaue EU Flagge mit einem Kreis aus gelben Sternen zu sehen. Zu lesen ist der Schriftzug Kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union.
Dieses Projekt wird kofinanziert von der Europäischen Union.

The city of Jena is a respected business and science location. Nevertheless, the issues of poverty and social inequality are relevant for the city, as not all people are able to benefit equally from economic development. For this reason, the city of Jena applied for the "Poverty Prevention" project in 2016, which is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the Free State of Thuringia. The focus was on developing and implementing a municipal poverty prevention strategy. In 2022, the "Poverty Prevention Directive" was replaced by the "Social Strategy Directive" and the city of Jena successfully applied to continue the project with funds from the new ESF Plus. The focus of this project phase is on updating the city's poverty prevention strategy.

The aim of the social strategy guideline is to promote active inclusion with a view to improving equal opportunities and active participation as well as increasing the employability of disadvantaged groups of people by developing a needs-based social and educational infrastructure.

Project period: 01.07.2022 to 30.06.2025

On the basis of statistical analyses "On the social situation of the Jena population.Lebenslagenbericht der Stadt Jena 2018" and as part of a comprehensive participation process, thematic fields of action, goals and measures for poverty prevention and poverty reduction in Jena were developed. Data-based social monitoring is being established to review the achievement of objectives (evaluation).

The fields of action of the city of Jena's poverty prevention strategy are

  • Control, planning and information,
  • Economic situation and unemployment,
  • Housing in Jena,
  • Education,
  • Participation of children and young people,
  • Participation of older people,
  • migration and
  • health.

The city of Jena's poverty prevention strategy was adopted by the Jena City Council on 20.03.2019.

The City of Light Jena launched the "Thuringian Prevention Chains" program on 8 February 2023. The "Thuringian Prevention Chains" program supports districts and independent cities in developing holistic and tailor-made prevention concepts for children and their families. The aim is to ensure a fair future for children with the help of municipal networks.

The target group of the prevention chains are families with children between the ages of 0 and 10. The support services are aimed at children and young people as well as their parents.

In Jena, a cross-sectoral communication process is being continued, moderated and supported with the establishment of the prevention chain. The city of Jena has received financial support for the establishment of a full-time coordination office to coordinate the network. The Thuringian prevention chains are financed by the Free State of Thuringia with funds from the European Social Fund (ESF+) and the Auridis Foundation.

The area of social reporting comprises the collection, processing and presentation of data on the social situation and social environment of specific target groups. It is oriented towards social areas, relates to individuals and households and enables dynamic analyses (historical data) through the preparation of time series. The presentation of the basic indicators for integrated social reporting enables an inter-communal comparison.

The aim of the report "On the social situation of the Jena population. Lebenslagenbericht der Stadt Jena 2018" is to present the social situation of the population in the city of Jena. Various dimensions of the residents' living situation are examined on the basis of selected indicators. It also analyzes specific groups that are exposed to an increased risk of poverty.

The report is divided into

  • a quantitative analysis of statistical data with a focus on specific life situation areas and
  • a presentation and evaluation of qualitative interviews with selected groups of people.

The main topics are

  • the demographic development in the city,
  • developments in the labor market and key figures on recipients of social benefits,
  • private debt,
  • housing,
  • child and youth welfare,
  • education and care and
  • health.

As part of funding item 2.4 of the Social Strategy Guideline of the Free State of Thuringia, ESF Plus and the Free State of Thuringia are funding formats in the area of citizen participation and research. In the area of citizen participation, low-threshold participation formats and interactions with different target groups, such as district conferences, open space events and future workshops, are supported. In the area of research, for example, quantitative and qualitative analyses, spatial surveys and expert opinions as well as evaluations are made possible.

The city of Jena successfully applied for the funding and is implementing corresponding formats. In 2023, the city conducted a representative population survey on the living situation of families. The survey was sent to 10,000 randomly selected households, who were able to respond both in writing and online. The response rate was around 25 percent. Among other things, the results form the basis for updating the municipal poverty prevention strategy.

Interview RADIO OKJ on the topic of debt in old age

Part 1 of the interview

Part 2 of the interview

Part 3 of the interview

Part 4 of the interview