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School social work

School social work is a socio-educational service in the school learning and living environment. It addresses problems that prevent children and young people from learning. It complements the educational mission of the school by supporting the social integration of young people, contributing to personal development and promoting the acquisition of social and personal skills. School social work thus helps to reduce educational disadvantages and helps to create a school climate that is conducive to learning by providing counseling services. School social work is part of the school profile of the respective school.

In the city of Jena, school social work is offered at the following schools:

School name Type of school Address

Telephone number

E-mail address


Saaletal School Elementary school

Karl-Marx-Allee 11
07747 Jena

0049 3641 49-2420



City of Jena
Schiller School Primary School

Hugo-Schrade-Straße 3
07745 Jena

0049 151 12334311 monja.bauer@kindersprachbruecke.de Kindersprachbrücke Jena e. V.
North School Elementary school

Dornburger Street 31
07743 Jena

0049 151 12334218 christoph.voigt@kindersprachbruecke.de Kindersprachbrücke Jena e. V.
Jenaplan School Community school

Tatzendpromenade 9
07745 Jena

0049 3641 394788



AK Jenaplanpädagogik e. V.
Free all-day school Leonardo Community School

Marie-Juchacz-Straße 1
07749 Jena

0049 3641 8800512 geier@leonardo-jena.de AWO Regional Association Central-West Thuringia e. V.
Galileo Community school

Oßmaritzer Street 12
07745 Jena

0049 3641 698774 schuso-galileo@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
At the Trießnitz Community school

Buchenweg 34
07745 Jena

0049 179 9378936 schuso-triessnitz@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Montessori school Community school

Friedrich-Wolf-Straße 2
07743 Jena

0049 3641 511526


JuMäx Jena e. V.
Wenigenjena Community school

Jenzigweg 29
07749 Jena

0049 3641 3107640 zech@kindersprachbruecke.de Kindersprachbrücke Jena e. V.
Kaleidoscope School Community school

Karl-Marx-Allee 11
07747 Jena

0049 175 2810463


Kaleidoscope School Community school Karl-Marx-Allee 11
07747 Jena
0049 152 33969414 schuso_karch@kaleidoskop.jena.de KOMME e. V.
Kulturanum Community school

Karl-Marx-Allee 7
07747 Jena

0049 3641 3107487

d_missfeldt-gaese@kulturanum.jena.de, k_schurtzmann@kulturanum.jena.de

Lobdeburg School Community school

Under the Lobdeburg 4
07747 Jena

0049 3641 478988 schuso.lobdeburg@jenalobeda.de KOMME e. V.
Workshop school Community school

Emil-Wölk-Straße 11
07747 Jena

0049 3641 3107310 schuso@werkstattschule.jena.de KOMME e. V.
Universaale - independent comprehensive school Comprehensive school

Burgauer Weg 1a
07743 Jena

0049 3641 5342116 schuso-universaale@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Grete-Unrein Comprehensive School

August-Bebel Street 1

0049 3641 49-2873


City of Jena
Grete-Unrein Comprehensive School August-Bebel Street 1
0049 3641 49-2874 sandra.buechner@jena.de City of Jena

Adolf Reichwein-Gymnasium

Grammar school

Wöllnitzer Street 1
07749 Jena

0049 3641 425221 schuso-arg@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Christian grammar school Grammar school

Altenburgerstraße 10
07743 Jena

0049 3641 520146 schulsozialarbeit@c-g-j.de Protestant School Foundation of Central Germany
Angergymnasium Grammar school

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 87
07749 Jena

0049 3641 796776 schuso-anger@t-online.de Evangelical Lutheran Church District of Jena
Otto Schott Grammar School Grammar school

Karl-Marx-Allee 7
07747 Jena

0049 3641 337922 schuso-osg@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Carl-Zeiss-Gymnasium Grammar school

Erich-Kuithan-Straße 7

0049 3641 826856 schuso-czg@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Ernst Abbe Grammar School Grammar school

Ammerbacher Street 21
07745 Jena

0049 3641 354336 schuso-eag@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.

SBSZ Göschwitz -


Vocational school

Rudolstädter Straße 95, 07745 Jena

0049 3641 294652


SBSZ Göschwitz - BVJ-S Vocational school Rudolstädter Straße 95, 07745 Jena 0049 176 55066814 hinz@sbsz-jena.de ÜAG gGmbH
SBSZ Göschwitz - BFS Vocational school Rudolstädter Straße 95, 07745 Jena 0049 3641 294684 dressler@sbsz-jena.de ÜAG gGmbH
State vocational school for health and social services Vocational school

Rudolf-Breitscheid-Straße 56/58
07747 Jena

0049 3641 3557281 schuso@mefa.jena.de ÜAG gGmbH
Karl-Volkmar-Stoy-School Vocational school

Paradiesstraße 5 07743

0049 3641 453622 sozpaed@stoyschule.de ÜAG gGmbH
Support center Special school

Karl-Marx-Allee 11
07747 Jena

0049 3641 3107460 a.steinkamp@jumaex-diskurs.de JuMäx Jena e. V.
Free Waldorf School Jena

Old main street 15
07745 Jena

0049 151 59993826


AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e. V.