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Multigenerational houses

The federal program "Mehrgenerationenhaus. With each other - for each other" has been funding participating multi-generation houses for a period of eight years since January 2021.

The new federal program builds on the tried and tested and continues to rely on close cooperation between the multi-generation houses and the municipalities. It also focuses on strengthening social cohesion and democracy as well as promoting digital skills and volunteering. The topic of ecological sustainability is also taken into account.

The city of Jena is also supporting the two multi-generation houses in the city with annual co-financing in this funding period:

  • ÜAG gGmbH's multi-generation house and
  • the multi-generation house of the AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e. V.

Project period: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2028