Elderly care planning
Responsibilities and working methods
Strategic elderlycareplanning forms an interface between the social and healthcare sectors. It is part of integrated social planning and focuses on the target group of older people.
The basis for planning is provided by the measures for elderly care in accordance with §71 SGB XII. The aim is to ensure that older people have the opportunity to participate and remain independent for aslong as possible . This includes balancing the current situation and needs in open, active preventative work with the elderly as well as in care. Other areasof focus are leisure, housing and living environment, health and sustainability, culture and education as well as care and support. The participation of older people and the providersof services, facilities and offers is afundamental principlein the area of elderly care planning . The planning serves to prepare decisions in political bodies .
Further information can be found on the city of Jena's portal for senior citizens.
Planning-relevant structures and committees
Senior Citizens' Advisory Council
The elderlycareplanning department is thepointof contact for the advisory board and supports the working groups on order/safety/urbandevelopment, culture/education/sport and social affairs/health/care. The needs of older people identifiedhereare takeninto account in the planning of assistance for the elderly.
Network meetings for open elderly care
The coordination and organization of the external committee, which meets monthly, is geared towards the exchange of information between those involved in open work with the elderly. The aim of the network is to identify the needs of older people and to take these into account in the planning and management of care for the elderly.
Network Local Alliance for People with Dementia Jena
The city of Jena is thesponsor of the project. Theproject focuses on raising awareness and educating the public as well as calling for respect, friendliness and helpfulness towards people with dementia and their relatives. The planning and implementation of new projects, which are designed in particular to promote the participation of people with dementia , is the focus of the elderly care planning. If necessary, existing servicesare realigned.
Advisory Board Strengthening the participation of older people - ways out of loneliness and social isolation/ ALTERnative und inge and ageing in the community, Thuringian initiative against loneliness/ AGATHE
The city of Jena supported the preventative model project of ÜAG gGmbH ALTERnative as part of its support for the elderly and is currently responsible for the AGATHE project. The follow-up project to ALTERnative is inge - individuell gestalten in Jena. Both the advisory board and the steering committee are supporting the planned development of a mobile outreach social counseling service for older people in Jena who are barely or no longer able to participate in social life. If necessary, existing services will be realigned.
Report on the elderly 2023 and recommendations for action for the city of Jena
Demographic change and the increase in the elderly population pose particular challenges for municipal services of general interest. The city of Jena is responding to demographic change and its consequences with this report on the elderly. The aim is to develop measures for the creation of a stable, age-appropriate infrastructure. The planning serves to prepare decisions in the political bodies.
Care - what to do?!
"Pfege - was tun?!" is a guide for people in need of help and care, their relatives and friends. The brochure is intended to give you an overview of the main services available in our city. In addition to professional help, outpatient and inpatient facilities, it lists advice and communication centers that can provide you with support in various ways. You can view the guide under Downloads or visit me and get a copy.
The new edition was published in 2022.