About us
Integrated Social Planning (ISP) team
Integrated social planning sees itself as part of social policy and has the task of providing substantive and technical policy advice. In order to develop integrated action plans, it is essential to incorporate the planning skills of different specialist areas.
In the Integrated Social Planning team, the specialist planners in the areas of social planning, youth welfare planning and elderly care planning as well as the office of the representative for people with disabilities, education management and education monitoring, the area of poverty prevention and financial controlling work together. The team develops integrated action plans on the topics of the Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs and contributes to the planning of other areas of the city.
The main task of integrated social planning is to prepare the basis for decision-making for the head of department, the specialist services in the Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs and political bodies. Integrated Social Planning also designs sustainable planning processes with other administrative areas of the city administration, such as the Office for Migration and Integration, Urban Development and the city's own enterprises.
The methodological approach is based on strategic management. The working principles for determining needs and developing measures are
- the presentation of social structure data,
- small-scale analysis of the social infrastructure and
- the description of life situations
The participation of citizens, politicians, scientists and other experts as well as social space orientation are consistent principles in the various planning areas.
Social planning
Social planning develops strategic, data-based objectives and concepts for municipal services of general interest and a needs-based social infrastructure. It also manages and coordinates participation and cooperation processes.
Planning coordination for poverty prevention
On the basis of integratedmunicipal social reporting , the planning coordination department developsstrategies and instruments for poverty prevention together with thecity administration'sspecialist planning departments , politicians,sponsors andcitizens .
Youth welfare planning
Youth welfare planning is the central strategic instrument for the qualitative and quantitative planning and management of child and youth welfare. It is a mandatory statutory task and the instrument prescribed by the legislator with which the public youth welfare provider must ensure that all tasks of SGB VIII are fulfilled as part of its overall responsibility.
Representative for people with disabilities
The representative for people with disabilities represents the interests of and advises people with disabilities and their relatives and works towards improving the living conditions of people with disabilities. He works together with the Advisory Council for People with Disabilities and other institutions, associations and self-help groups.
Elderly care planning
Elderly care planning is the point of contact for all issues relating to work with the elderly and is responsible for planning assistance for the elderly in accordance with Section 71 SGB XII. The aim of the planned measures is to enableolder peopleto participateindependently in life in the community and to strengthentheir ability to help themselves .
Education management
The Education Management department develops strategic objectives and concepts for the municipal education landscape, establishes management and cooperation structures and works methodically according to the integrated education planning approach.
Education monitoring
The main task of education monitoring is the data-basedanalysis, observation and presentation of Jena's educational landscape. Educational monitoring works methodically accordingto the integrated educational planningapproach.
Area coordination in the project "Education, Economy, Work in the Neighborhood" (BIWAQ)
The focus of BIWAQarea coordination is on coordinating the project team, networking and managing the interfaces with internal and externalprojectpartners.
Decentralized controlling in the Department for Family, Education and Social Affairs
Controlling in the department advises and supports the head of department, the heads of specialist services and team leaders in the specialist services of youth welfare, social affairs, youth and education and health on issues relevant to controlling, in particular on business management issues.Controlling in the department forms the interface to central controlling.